Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Semester In Review

Remember how I was going to blog all about the process of moving home and starting graduate school and maintaining my sanity?

Well then the life I planned to write about actually started to happen.

And there was so much LIVING to do, and too little time and too many words to ever sit down and follow through.

But it's Christmas night now, and I have the time.

The basics? I'll remember this semester as one of new beginnings. I ended my relationship of almost two years because I decided to take the risk of finding a bigger and better happy. It had become, for me, a relationship of just barely enough. I decided I deserved a relationship that overflowed.

I met this group of friends that I feel like I've known my whole life. I remember someone telling me that college is where you meet your bridesmaids. Well, except for B.W., I can't say that was true for me. Yes, I met some absolutely amazing women and made meaningful friendships, but never in the way I thought I would. But grad school? It's been like another chance. These friendships I'm building feel like home, and I can't explain enough how much it feeds my soul.

Living with my parents? Actually pretty awesome. Home cooked food, minimal bills, and mom snuggles when I'm sick. Now that I'm back on the single scene, I feel it cramping my dating style a bit, but that's nothing a little ingenuity can't solve!

Oh, and school. That big thing I'm paying all the money for. It is what it is. Great? Maybe not. Good enough? Definitely. It's a means to an end.

I saw one more baby come into the world since the last time I wrote here. An exquisite labor with a scary birth. It was an experience that taught me a lot about myself as a person, a doula, and a social worker. I hope I never have another experience like it, but I'm thankful I got to experience it and that mom and baby are happy and healthy now.

Here's to a semester of figuring out life a bit more. And figuring out this whole keeping up with a blog thing a LOT more.

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