Monday, April 9, 2012

Paying all

The social worker in me loves the idea of paying it forward, but right now, that is overshadowed by something looming much larger-paying tuition.

The fancy program I'm going to has the top ranking, the bells and whistles, and probably gold-encrusted diplomas-all which comes at a high price. I received a scholarship, which is great and all, but just a drop in the bucket of the 70 grand or so it's going to take me to get my MSW.

I'm doing everything I can think of to make it more affordable. I'm applying to grad assistantships like no one's business. I actually emailed admissions and asked them to reconsider my scholarship. I'm pinching pennies and reacquainting myself with Ramen.

Here's to hoping some more moolah falls from the sky in to this poor baby social worker's hard working lap.

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