Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It's Getting Very Real

During the last week or so, I've made some serious progress in making this whole "I'm going to move back in with my parents and become a social worker" thing real.

I paid my enrollment fee to WUSTL, registered for orientation, rejected my other acceptances, did my loan counseling (for the omgz 8 million dollars of debt I'm about to put myself into), and started cleaning out my childhood bedroom so it's more suitable for grownup me to live in.

I've been taking a step back from my doula training lately. There is just so many other things happening right now and I don't feel like I could devote myself to a client the way I think is right. I missed the birth of my last client, and I hated how that felt. I don't want to put myself in that position again. I'm trying to stay immersed in the birthing community through my academic research and blog reading in my spare time, but I do miss the feeling of actually working with a family.

The next few months will be an interesting time for me as I start to make all the steps necessary to making this dream a reality. Let's hope there are more highs than lows...

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